At Vandenberg Air Force Base's Astrotech processing facility in California, NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, spacecraft is being lifted from a work stand. (Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
small (78K) 241 x 360 JPEG
medium (255K) 482 x 720 JPEG
large (2852K) 2008 x 3000 JPEG
At Vandenberg Air Force Base's Astrotech processing facility in California, NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, spacecraft is lowered toward the flight conical adapter and test stand. (Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
small (78K) 241 x 360 JPEG
medium (259K) 482 x 720 JPEG
large (2862K) 2008 x 3000 JPEG
Workers check the WISE spacecraft as it is lowered onto a work stand.
(Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
small (94K) 241 x 360 JPEG
medium (310K) 482 x 720 JPEG
large (3332) 2008 x 3000 JPEG
The WISE sspacecraft is situated on a work stand. At left on the spacecraft is the fixed panel solar array. In front, the square is the HGA Slotted Array (Ku-Band). (Photo: NASA)
small (89K) 241 x 360 JPEG
medium (295K) 482 x 720 JPEG
large (2862K) 2008 x 3000 JPEG
The WISE spacecraft spacecraft sits on the test stand after connection to the conical adapter. (Photo: NASA)
small (79K) 233 x 360 JPEG
medium (279K) 466 x 720 JPEG
large (2882K) 1942 x 3000 JPEG
A view of the flexure springs in the soft ride being mated to the payload attach fitting for NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, spacecraft. (Photo: NASA)
small (59K) 241 x 161 JPEG
medium (292K) 720 x 482 JPEG
large (2852K) 3000 x 2008 JPEG
The full flight system all assembled. The payload is attached to the spacecraft bus, plus the solar panel and antennae are also attached.
(Photo: NASA)
small (73K) 241 x 360 JPEG
medium (41K) 527 x 786 JPEG
The WISE spacecraft is cooled down for the last time. Shown here freezing hydrogen in the cryostat.
(Photo: NASA)
small (73K) 241 x 360 JPEG
medium (41K) 527 x 786 JPEG
The WISE spacecraft is cooled down for the last time. Shown here freezing hydrogen in the cryostat.
(Photo: NASA)
small (73K) 241 x 360 JPEG
medium (41K) 527 x 786 JPEG
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