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WISE Spacecraft is readied for flight at Vandenberg Air Force Base

An image of one of four detectors.  This one resembles a USB thumb drive. spacer

At Vandenberg Air Force Base's Astrotech processing facility in California, NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, spacecraft is being lifted from a work stand. (Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

small (78K) 241 x 360 JPEG
medium (255K) 482 x 720 JPEG
large (2852K) 2008 x 3000 JPEG

An image of one of four detectors.  This one resembles a USB thumb drive.

At Vandenberg Air Force Base's Astrotech processing facility in California, NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, spacecraft is lowered toward the flight conical adapter and test stand. (Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

small (78K) 241 x 360 JPEG
medium (259K) 482 x 720 JPEG
large (2862K) 2008 x 3000 JPEG

A worker is checking the WISE as it is lowered onto the work stand  

Workers check the WISE spacecraft as it is lowered onto a work stand. (Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

small (94K) 241 x 360 JPEG
medium (310K) 482 x 720 JPEG
large (3332) 2008 x 3000 JPEG

WISE on a work stand with a solar panel attached.  

The WISE sspacecraft is situated on a work stand. At left on the spacecraft is the fixed panel solar array. In front, the square is the HGA Slotted Array (Ku-Band). (Photo: NASA)

small (89K) 241 x 360 JPEG
medium (295K) 482 x 720 JPEG
large (2862K) 2008 x 3000 JPEG

WISE on workstand connected to a conical adapter.  

The WISE spacecraft spacecraft sits on the test stand after connection to the conical adapter. (Photo: NASA)

small (79K) 233 x 360 JPEG
medium (279K) 466 x 720 JPEG
large (2882K) 1942 x 3000 JPEG

Flexure springs being mated to the payload to attach WISE.  

A view of the flexure springs in the soft ride being mated to the payload attach fitting for NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, spacecraft. (Photo: NASA)

small (59K) 241 x 161 JPEG
medium (292K) 720 x 482 JPEG
large (2852K) 3000 x 2008 JPEG

Workers working on WISE with the full flight system all assembled.  The payload, solar panel, and antennae are all attached.  

The full flight system all assembled. The payload is attached to the spacecraft bus, plus the solar panel and antennae are also attached.
(Photo: NASA)

small (73K) 241 x 360 JPEG
medium (41K) 527 x 786 JPEG

WISE spacecraft is surrounded by scaffolding and instruments. It is barely visible through the scaffolding.  

The WISE spacecraft is cooled down for the last time. Shown here freezing hydrogen in the cryostat.
(Photo: NASA)

small (73K) 241 x 360 JPEG
medium (41K) 527 x 786 JPEG

WISE spacecraft shown surrounded by scaffolding. Instruments and wires everywhere.  

The WISE spacecraft is cooled down for the last time. Shown here freezing hydrogen in the cryostat.
(Photo: NASA)

small (73K) 241 x 360 JPEG
medium (41K) 527 x 786 JPEG

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