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The bright fiery dot in the image is the star AE Aurigae which is surrounded by the Flaming Star Nebula.
IC 405
NASA’s WISE captured this view of a runaway star, AE Aurigae, racing away from its original home. 
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  The glowing clouds makeup the Flame Nebula.  The nebula gets its glow from the blue star seen to the right of the central cloud.
Flame Nebula
This mosaic image, taken by NASA’s WISE, features three nebulae that are part of the giant Orion Molecular Cloud.
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The green dot located in the center of the star field is the first brown dwarf captured by WISE.
First Ultra-Cool WISE Brown Dwarf
This particular object, named "WISEPC J045853.90+643451.9" after its location in the sky, is the first ultra-cool brown dwarf discovered by NASA's WISE.
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  The green dot located in the center of the star field is the first brown dwarf captured by WISE.
Planetary Nebula NGC 1514
This image composite shows two views of a puffy, dying star, or planetary nebula, known as NGC 1514
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The different colored sprirals are all of the Sculptor Galaxy shown in different hues.
IRAS 12116-6001
WISE captured this colorful image of the reflection nebula IRAS 12116-6001.
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  The concentrated portions of multicolored are new stars that have yet to begin nuclear fusion.
Circinus Molecular Cloud
WISE has uncovered a striking population of young stellar objects in a complex of dense, dark clouds in the southern constellation of Circinus.
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The different colored sprirals are all of the Sculptor Galaxy shown in different hues.
Sculptor Galaxy
The Sculptor galaxy is shown in different infrared hues, in this new mosaic from WISE.
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  A bright blob of orange-colored star dusts in the middle with blue stars in the background.
Cocoon Nebula
The aptly named Cocoon nebula is featured in this image from WISE.
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The multicolored cloud is a hidden star forming nebula in the Milky Way Galaxy within the constellation Cepheus.
IRAS 22298+6505
WISE has captured this image of a hidden star-forming cloud complex of dust and gas located in the constellation of Cepheus.
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  The yellowish colored trail of dust is the comet Hartley 2.
Hartley 2
This visitor from deep space, seen here by WISE is comet Hartley 2 -- the destination for NASA's EPOXI mission.
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The multicolored cloud generated by this emission nebula is formed by ionized hydrogen gas transitioning from a high to low energy state.
LBN 114.55+00.22
Named after the astronomer who published a catalogue of nebulae in 1965, LBN stands for “Lynds Bright Nebula."
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  The multicolored cloud in the field of stars is the reflection nebula DG 129.  The glowing green circle of light is the star Pi Scorpii.
Pi Scorpii
Gripped in the claw of the constellation Scorpius, sits the reflection nebula DG 129, a cloud of dust and gas that reflects light from nearby stars.
MoreWISE launch
The multicolored cloud which spans the image is actually the Rosette Nebula located within the constellation Monoceros.
Rosette Nebula
A new cosmic image taken by NASA’s WISE shows the Rosette nebula located within the constellation Monoceros
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  A glowing blue/white pinwheel-shaped galaxy in a field of stars.
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Nope, it’s an asteroid tracking its way across the sky with a beautiful spiral galaxy in the background.
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The Small Magellanic Cloud located in the constellation Tucana is an irregularly shaped galaxy.  The two streaks seen in the upper half of the image are satellites orbiting Earth.
Small Magellanic Cloud
Located in the constellation Tucana, the Small Magellanic Cloud looks like a wispy cloud that circles the south celestial pole.
MoreWISE launch
  The blue cluster of stars is known as Omega Centauri, a globular cluster which is bound together by gravity.
Omega Centauri
NASA’s WISE has captured a favorite observing target of amateur astronomers -- Omega Centauri.
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New stars are forming inside this large multicolored cloud which spans across the constellation Vela.
Vela A
New stars are forming inside this giant cloud of dust and gas as seen in infrared light by WISE.
MoreWISE launch
  The newborn star cluster AFGL 490 is hidden behind a multicolored cloud, but WISE's infrared vision peers through and reveals them.
AFGL 490
The cluster, AFGL 490, is hidden from view in visible light by the cloud.  
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Last updated 6/7/11 © UC Regents