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From 2006

October 18, 2006 - NASA approves construction of satellite to scan nearest stars, brightest galaxies

After eight years of study, NASA has approved the construction of an unmanned satellite that will scan the entire sky in infrared light to reveal nearby cool stars, planetary "construction zones" and the brightest galaxies in the universe. Launch of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) — the second phase of the WISE mission — is scheduled for late 2009. The satellite will orbit the Earth and operate for at least seven months, with data expected a few times a day.

Read the full press release at the UCLA Newsroom, Space Daily, and PhysOrg.com.

October 14, 2006 - Failed stars focus of new NASA project

NASA on Friday approved the construction of a $300 million, Earth-orbiting telescope that will scan the skies for failed stars called brown dwarfs, along with other celestial eccentrics.

Read the full press release at Rocky Mountain News.

October 14, 2006 - UCLA professor to lead new NASA mission

One of UCLA's astronomers was recently named principal investigator for a new NASA project that will help scientists and laypeople wise up to the mysterious ways of the universe.

Read the full press release at Daily Bruin.

October 13, 2006 - WISE is confirmed!

Engineers are rolling up their sleeves in preparation for building a telescope that will find the nearest star-like objects and the brightest galaxies. NASA has approved the start of construction on a new mission called the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, which will scan the entire sky in infrared light.

Read the full press release at the JPL Website.

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